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ACSOS 2020
Mon 17 - Fri 21 August 2020

As the premier forum for autonomic computing, self-adaptation, and self-organization, ACSOS attracts world-class researchers and thought leaders from academia and industry. Prior iterations of ACSOS conferences have spawned novel products, startups and new research areas. ACAI fosters academic and industry collaboration, especially on use-inspired, cross-disciplinary topics with direct big-idea applications. The goal is to help academic and industry researchers in the ACSOS communities to have a conversation.

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Mon 17 Aug

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20:00 - 22:00
Session 2ACSOS In Practice at ACSOS In Practice Meeting Room
Chair(s): K R Jayaram IBM Research, USA, Christopher Stewart The Ohio State University, USA
Industry talk
Challenges in Moving from Datasets to Live Data for Visual Machine Learning
ACSOS In Practice
I: Vishakha Gupta-Cledat ApertureData
Industry talk
Leveraging Data Mesh to Optimize Hybrid Cloud for Adaptive AI Control in Industrial Systems
ACSOS In Practice
Anthony Hill Adapdix Corporation
Industry talk
Using a Unified Approach to Reduce Storage I/O for Big Data Workloads
ACSOS In Practice
I: Theo Gkountouvas Futurewei Technologies

Call for Abstracts

Important Dates

Profile submission (Tasks):	May 15, 2020    
Acceptance notification:	(rolling)    
ACSOS Conference:		August 17-21, 2020   


ACAI@ ACSOS.2020 will feature short vision talks and opportunities for researchers to brainstorm potential collaborations. We ask ALL ACAI attendees to submit information about their interests, qualifications and visions for ACAI. Specifically, please put the following information into 1 PDF file (no length restrictions).

1) Resume, Curriculum Vitae or other summary of professional accomplishments
2) 1-2 paragraphs listing academic-industry collaborations of interest
3) Title and 1-2 paragraph abstract outlining your vision talk
4) (optional) 2-page abstract for vision talk

We seek students, faculty and professionals that have time/resources to contribute to new use-inspired research collaborations. Attendees must complete an ACSOS workshop registration. At the author’s discretion, 2-page abstracts associated with vision talks will be reviewed for potential publication in the ACSOS proceedings.

Profile submission site:​ https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=acsos20 
